Sum Hungry

Privacy Policy


Hi! This is where we keep our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. It describes what information we collect through our mobile apps and website, and how we use this information.

Our Privacy Policy was last updated on 4th September 2019.

Personal Information
Personal information is any information that identifies a user as an individual.

We do not collect any personal information from children in our mobile apps or on our website.

We may collect personal information from parents and teachers, when they voluntarily provide it through our website. This may include collecting email addresses when parents and teachers email us to enquire about our application or send feedback

We collect the email address for the sole purpose of sending product updates or responding to feedback;
We use the email address solely for that purpose and do not combine it with any other information

You may also request support by sending us an email through the support page on our website. If you submit a support request, we may receive your email address and other information you provide related to your support request. We use this information for the purpose of providing support only.

Nonpersonal information
Nonpersonal information is information that does not enable us to identify a user as an individual, such as information about the duration a mobile app is used and how the mobile app is used. We may collect nonpersonal information about the use of our website and mobile apps to help us improve our services.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”)
Our website and mobile applications comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). We don’t knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13, and if in the event that a user identifies himself or herself as a child under the age of 13 through a support request or through any feedback, we will not collect, store or use, and will delete in a secure manner, any personal information of such user.

When you visit our website, we may use cookies to improve the quality of our service by storing user preferences and tracking usage information. Most browsers allow you to disable cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent to your computer. We do not use cookies in our apps.

Links to Third Party Sites
Our website may provide links and/or connections to third-party web sites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these third-party sites.